Dopl test page

The project link filter is a tiny, yet useful module, which adds a filter, to facilitate linking to projects.

Lots of us blog about Drupal projects, or mention them in our forum discussions. Linking to a Drupal project, each time it is mentioned is a bit of a pain. This filter lets you write something like "views. module", and it generates a link to views module page (

I have been attempting to add functionality to the module that allows linking to issues and have them displayed the same way that facilitates linking to projects, with the issues status included in the display.

Here are some quick tests to highlight the module functionality.

typed: nonsense.module
output: nonsense.module
typed: dopl. module
output: project link filter
typed: dopl. module| "A different link title"
output: A different link title
typed: boldy. theme
output: Boldy
typed: 1136354. do
output: Boldy
typed: 2317551. do
typed: 492012. user
output: the_g_bomb
typed: 445048. gdo
output: Strategic development of groups and d.o
typed: nonsense. issue
output: nonsense.issue
typed: 987987987. issue
output: 987987987.issue
typed: 1468892. issue
output: #1468892: Add support for drupal issues
typed: 545852. issue
output: #545852: Allow to give a custom text for the link
typed: 1154664. issue
output: #1154664: Dopl - Drupal 7 Port
typed: 951188. issue
output: #951188: maintained?
typed: 1154896. issue
output: #1154896: use l() to make links

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