Drupal 7 Webform Cookbook by Vernon Denny
Next up on the reading list is Drupal 7 Webform Cookbook by Vernon Denny (http://link.packtpub.com/7VgTM0).
Being a developer I must say that I don't often resort to using the webform module, preferring to hand code any forms that are needed on a site, however a collegue of mine recommended using webform to create the form and using hook_form_alter to add in my own validation, submission handlers and other custom functionality, which I thought made a lot of sense.
On first glance through the books table of contents, I must say I was slightly surprised, not so much at the books contents, but at what webform actually does, I don't think I have given this module a fair enough chance and am looking forward to giving the numerous examples in this book a run for their money to fully test the module.
With chapters devoted to:
- Extending Webform
- Acting on Webform Submissions
- Creating Submission Actions
- Presenting and Managing Data
It does look like I will be able to follow these chapters and replace a lot of the functionality I currently use a custom form to achieve, namely adding custom validation, creating conditional actions and building custom reports, all of which seem to covered in this book.
The final chapter looks interesting as it covers building a survey form. With the launch of http://webform.com/, I did wonder about the webform modules power as webform.com seems to be targetting itself as a survey monkey replacement, so I am very curious to learn how to achieve that kind of result and offer yet another option for my clients when building forms.