Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership – reprint of a reprint

Second Reprinting of: Mroodles – Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership – reprint

Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership - 11 Jun 2006

but that site is now gone. I found this text in Wayback machine and took the liberty of posting it here with some grammar fixes (American English to English).

Originally: Hacknot – Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership

but that site is now gone. I found this text in Google cache and took the liberty of posting it here.

“If you are a good leader who talks little, they will say when your work is done and your aim fulfilled, “We did it ourselves.”” Lao-Tse, cited in 1

Perhaps the most difficult job to do on any software development project is that of Technical Lead. The Technical Lead has overall responsibility for all technical aspects of the project – design, code, technology selection, work assignment, scheduling and architecture are all within his purview. Positioned right at the border of the technical and managerial, they are the proverbial “meat in the sandwich.” This means that they have to be able to speak two languages – the high-level language of the project manager to whom they report, and the low-level technical language of their team. In effect, they’re the translator between the two dialects. Observation suggests that there are not that many senior techies who have the skills and personal characteristics necessary to perform the Technical Lead role well. Of those I have seen attempt it, perhaps ten percent did a good job of it, twenty percent just got by, and the remaining seventy percent screwed it up. Therefore most of what I have learnt about being a good Technical Lead has been learnt by counter-example. Each time I see a Technical Lead doing something stupid, I make a mental note to avoid that same behaviour or action when I am next in the Technical Lead role. What follows is the abridged version of the list of mistakes I have assembled in this manner over the last thirteen years of watching Technical Leads get it wrong.

It is my contention that if you can just avoid making these mistakes, you are well on your way to doing a good job as a Technical Lead. You might consider it a long-form equivalent of the Hippocratic Oath “First do no harm,” although, given the self-evident nature of many of these exhortations, it is more like “First do nothing stupid.”

Mistake #0: Assuming the team serves you.

Perhaps the most damaging mistake a Technical Lead can make is to assume that their seniority somehow gives them an elevated status in their organisation. Once their ego gets involved, the door is open to a host of concomitant miseries such as emotional decision-making, defensiveness and intra-team conflict. I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to realise that although the Technical Lead role brings with it many additional responsibilities, it does not put you “above” the other team members in any meaningful sense. Rather, you are on an exactly equal footing with them. It’s just that your duties are slightly different from theirs. If anything, it is you that is in service of them, given that it is part of your role to facilitate their work. To put it another way, you are there to make them look good, not the other way around.

Mistake #1: Isolating yourself from the team.

In some organisations, having the title of Technical Lead gives you entitlements that the rank and file of your team do not enjoy. Sometimes, the title is considered sufficiently senior to entitle you to an office of your own, or at least a larger workspace if you must still dwell in cubicle land. It is a mistake to take or accept such perquisites, as they serve to distance you (both physically and organisationally) from the people that you work most closely with. As military leaders know, it creates an artificial and ultimately unhealthy class distinction between soldiers and officers if the latter are afforded special privileges. To truly understand your team’s problems and be considered just “one of the guys” (which you are), you need to be in the same circumstances as they are.

Mistake #2: Employing hokey motivation techniques.

Different sorts of people are motivated by different sorts of rewards. Programmers and managers certainly have very different natures, yet it is surprising the number of managers and aspiring managers who ignore those differences and try to reward technical staff in the same way they would like to be rewarded themselves. For example, managers value perception and status, so being presented with an award in front of everyone, or receiving a plaque to display on their wall where everyone can see it, may well be motivating to them. However programmers tend to be focused on the practical and functional, and value things that they can use to some advantage. Programmers regard the sorts of rewards that managers typically receive as superficial and trite. They have a similar view of “team building” activities, motivational speeches and posters and the like. So if you want to motivate a developer, don’t start cheering “Yay team” or force him to wear the team t-shirt you just had printed. Instead, give him something of use. A second monitor for his computer will be well received, as will some extra RAM, a faster CPU, cooler peripherals, or a more comfortable office chair. It’s also hard to go wrong with cash or time off. Developers are also constantly mindful of keeping their skill sets up to date, and so will value any contribution you can make to their technical education. Give them some time during work hours to pursue their own projects or explore new technologies, a substantial voucher from your local technical book store, or leave to attend a training course that interests them – it doesn’t have to be something that bears direct relationship to company work, just as long as it has career value to them.

Mistake #3: Not providing technical direction and context.

A common mode of failure amongst Technical Leads is to focus on their love of the “technical” and forget about their obligation to “lead.” Leading means thinking ahead enough that you can make informed and well-considered decisions before the need for that decision becomes an impediment to team progress. The most obvious form of such leadership is the specification of the software’s overall architecture. Before implementation begins, you should have already considered the architectural alternatives available, and have chosen one of them for objective and rationally defensible reasons. You should also have communicated this architecture to the team so that they can always place the units of work they do in a broader architectural context. This gives their work a direction and promotes confidence that the teams collective efforts will bind together into a successful whole. A Technical Lead lacking in self-confidence can be a major frustration to their team. They may find themselves waiting on the Lead to make decisions that significantly effect their work, but find that there is some reticence or unwillingness to make a firm decision. Particularly when new in the role, some Technical Leads find it difficult to make decisions in a timely manner, for they are paralysed by the fear of making that decision incorrectly. Troubled that a bad decision will make them look foolish, they vacillate endlessly between the alternatives, while their team mates are standing by wondering when they are going to be able to move forward. In such cases, one does well to remember that a good enough decision now is often better than a perfect decision later. Sometimes there is no choice among technical alternatives that jumps out at you as being clearly better than any other – there are merely different possibilities, each with pros and cons. Don’t belabour such decisions indefinitely. In particular, don’t hand over such decisions to the team and hope to arrive at some consensus. Such consensus is often impossible to obtain. What is most important is that you make a timely decision that you feel moderately confident in, and then commit to it. If all else fails, look to those industry figures whose opinions you trust, and follow the advice they have to give. Finally, always be prepared to admit that a decision you’ve made was incorrect if information to that effect should come to light. Some of the nastiest technical disasters I’ve witnessed have originated with a senior techie with an ego investment in a particular decision, who lacks the integrity necessary to admit error, even when their mistake is obvious to all.

Mistake #4: Fulfilling your own needs via the team.

You will occasionally hear people opine that one should not let the personal interfere with the professional. In other words, difficulties at home should not interfere with the execution of duties in the workplace. In some environments, the obvious expression of emotion is simply taboo. But such ideas don’t mesh with reality too well. People are holistic creatures and our life experience is not so conveniently compartmentalised, no matter how desirable some Taylorist ideal may be. Just the same, there are practical and social limitations upon workplace behaviour which some may be tempted to flaunt, to the discomfort and embarrassment of their colleagues. The broader one’s influence, the greater the opportunity to co-opt activities that should be focused on work, and turn them to personal effect. For example, meetings (complete with buffet) make a fine social occasion for those not concerned with making the best use of company time. Team-building exercises provide an easily excused opportunity to get away from the office and out into the sun, as do off-site training courses and conferences. Pair programming seems to be most appealing to those who like to chat about their work … continually. An excessive focus on group consensus-based decision-making for all technical aspects of the project, even the trivial ones, may be a sign that a Technical Lead is more concerned with the sociology of the project and their place amongst it than with leadership and making efficient use of people’s time and effort.

Mistake #5: Focusing on your individual contribution.

Changing roles from developer to Technical Lead requires a certain adjustment in mindset. As a developer, you tend to be focused upon individual achievement. You spend your time labouring on units of work, mainly by yourself, and can later point to these discrete pieces of the application and say, with some satisfaction, “I did that.” But as a Technical Lead your focus shifts from individual achievement to group achievement. Your work is now to facilitate the work of others. This means that when others come to you for help, you should be in the habit of dropping everything and servicing their requests immediately. A fatal mistake some Technical Leads make is to try and retain their former role as individual contributors, which tends to result in the Technical Lead duties suffering, as they become engrossed in their own problems and push the concerns of others aside. The constant alternation between helping individuals with low-level technical problems and thinking about high-level project-wide issues is very cognitively demanding. I’ve come to call the problem “zoom fatigue” - the mental fatigue which results from rapidly changing between the precise and the abstract on a regular basis. It’s like the physical fatigue that the eye experiences when constantly switching focus from long distance to short distance. The muscular effort required within the eye to change focal length eventually leads to fatigue, making the eye less responsive to subsequent demands. Similarly, you get cognitive fatigue when in one moment you are helping someone with an intricate coding issue, and in the next you’re examining the interaction between subsystems at the architectural level. The latter requires a more abstract mental state than the former, and alternating between the two is quite taxing. As a result, people may come to you seeking help with something that has been the sole focus of their attention for several hours or days, and you will find it difficult to “task switch” from what you were just doing into a mindset where you can discuss the problem with them on equal terms. I find it helpful to just ask the person to give me ten minutes to get my head into the problem space, during which I might retreat to my own machine and study the problem body of code in detail, before attempting to help them with it.

Mistake #6: Trying to be technically omniscient.

Just because you have the last word in technical decisions, don’t think that it is somehow assumed that you are the programming equivalent of Yoda. With the variety and complexity of development technologies always growing, it is increasingly difficult to maintain a mastery of any given subset of that domain. As in most growing fields, those who call themselves “expert” will progressively know more and more about less and less.

It is therefore entirely possible that you will be learning new technologies at the same time as you are first applying them. The mistakes you make and the gaps in your knowledge will be abundantly obvious to your team members, so it is best to abandon at the outset any pretext of having it all figured out. Be open and honest about what you do and don’t know. Don’t try and overstate or otherwise misrepresent the extent and nature of your familiarity with technology, for once you are found out, the trust lost will be very difficult to regain. There is an opportunity here to widen the knowledge and experience of all team members. You might like to appoint certain people as specialists in particular technologies, giving them the time and task assignments necessary to develop a superior knowledge of their assigned area. To avoid boredom and unnecessary risk, be sure to give these resident experts plenty of opportunity to spread their knowledge around the team, and to exchange specialties with others. Adopting this “collection of specialists” approach makes it clear that you are not presuming to be all things to all people; and that you have faith in the abilities of your colleagues. But it will require you to park your ego at the door and be prepared to say “I don’t know” quite frequently. But be careful not to lean on others too heavily. It is still vitally important for you to have a good overarching knowledge of the technologies you are employing, particularly those elements of them that are critical to their successful interoperation in service of your systems architecture.

Mistake #7: Failing to delegate effectively.

To successfully lead a group, there must be an attitude of implicit trust and assumed good intent between the leader and those being lead. Therefore a Technical Lead must be willing to trust his team to be diligent in the pursuit of their goals, without feeling the need to watch over their shoulder and constantly monitor their progress. This sort of micromanagement is particularly loathed by programmers, who recognise it as a tacit questioning of their abilities and commitment. But ineffective delegation can also arise for selfish reasons. Several times now I’ve seen Technical Leads who like to save all the “fun” work for themselves, leaving others the tedious grunt work. For example, the Technical Lead will assign themselves the task of evaluating new technologies, and constructing exploratory and “proof of concept” prototypes, but once playtime is over and the need for disciplined work arrives, hand over the detailed tasks to others. Not only is effective delegation desirable with respect to team morale and project risk, but on large projects, it is simply a necessity, as there will be too much information to be managed and maintained at once for one person to be able to cope.

Mistake #8: Being ignorant of your own shortcomings.

Some people simply don’t have the natural proclivities necessary to be good Technical Leads. It’s not enough to have good technical knowledge. You must be able to communicate that knowledge to others, as well as translate it into a simpler form that your management can understand. You also need good organisational skills. Coordinating the efforts of multiple people to produce a functionally consistent outcome is not easy, and demands a methodical and detail-oriented approach to planning and scheduling. If you can’t plan ahead successfully, you will find yourself constantly in reactive mode, which is both stressful and inefficient. If you don’t have these qualities naturally, you may be able to develop them to some extent, through training and deliberate effort. But it may ultimately be necessary for you to lean on others in your team to support you, should they have strengths in areas in which you have weaknesses.

Mistake #9: Failing to represent the best interests of your team.

Perhaps the most nauseating mistake a Technical Lead can make is to become a puppet of the management above them. As the interface between management and technicians, it is the Technical Lead’s role to go to bat with their management to represent the best interests of their team. This means standing up to the imposition of unreasonable deadlines, fighting for decent tools and resources, and preventing the prevarications of management from disturbing the rhythm of the project. A weak-willed or easily manipulated Technical Lead will incur the disrespect of his team. Unfortunately, such spineless behaviour is quite common amongst the ranks of the ambitious, and you don’t have to look far to find obsequious Technical Leads who will gladly promise the impossible and impose hardship on their team, in the interests of creating a “can-do” image for themselves.

Mistake #10: Failing to anticipate.

An essential part of the Technical Lead’s role is keeping an eye on the “big picture” – the system-wide concerns that are easily forgotten by programmers whose attention is consumed by the coding problem they currently face. These “big picture” issues include those non-functional requirements sometimes called “-ilities” - maintainability, reliability, usability, testability and so on. If you don’t make a conscious effort to track your progress against these requirements, there is a high probability of them slipping through the cracks and being forgotten about until they later emerge as crises. If you don’t have a dedicated project manager, it may also fall to you to handle the scheduling, tracking and assignment of tasks. It isn’t uncommon for Technical Leads to find themselves playing dual roles in this manner. You may not be very fond of such “administrative” duties, but their efficient performance is critical to the smooth running of the project, and for the developers to know where they are and where they’re going. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring or devaluing these tasks simply because they are non-technical in nature.

Mistake #11: Repeat mistakes others have already made.

It is common for developers to dismiss the experience reports of others as having no relevance to their own situation. Indeed, it is wise to approach all anecdotal evidence with skepticism. But it is unwise to completely disregard the advice of others, particularly when it is accompanied by sound reasoning, or can be independently verified. Ignoring good advice can be very expensive; it is said that “Experience keeps a dear school but fools will learn in no other.” The unwillingness of developers to learn from the mistakes of others, and the ease with which you can encounter software project horror stories in the literature and recognise your own projects in them, is evidence suggesting that the software industry as a whole is not getting any wiser.2 You need not contribute to that collective stupidity.

Mistake #12: Using the project to pursue your own technical interests.

Remarkably, developers can reach quite senior levels in their organisation without having learnt to appreciate the difference between work and play. Many are attracted to programming to begin with because, as hobbyists, they enjoyed fooling around with the latest and greatest technologies. Somehow they carry this tendency to “play” with technologies into their working lives, and it becomes the aspect of their jobs that they value most. From their perspective, the purpose of a development effort is not to create something of value for the business, but to create an opportunity to experiment with new technologies and pad their CV with some new acronyms. Their technology selection is based upon whatever looks “cool”. But a rational approach to technology selection may yield quite a different result to one guided by technical enthusiasm or a fascination with novelty. New technologies are often riskier choices, as the development community has not had much time to apply the technology in varying circumstances and thereby discover its weaknesses and shortcomings. Putting an immature technology on a project’s critical path is especially risky. So an older, tried and true technology may be a more rational choice than a new, unproven one.

Mistake #13: Not maintaining technical involvement.

In order to fully appreciate the current status of the project as well as the difficulties your team is facing, it is vital that you maintain a coding-level involvement in the project. If you’re not cutting code, it is too easy to become divorced from the effects of your own decision-making and to be seen by other developers as being out of touch with the technical realities of the project.

Mistake #14: Playing the game rather than focusing on the target.

In some organisations, being a Technical Lead is a politically sensitive position. Technology choices, work assignments and project outcomes are all just tools to be used in the pursuit of personal agendas. To some, this “game” of political influence is both fascinating and addictive. They play it in the hope of gaining some advantage for themselves and do so to the detriment of the project and the individuals upon it. When they don’t have their eye on the ball like this, devoting more energy to Machiavellian manoeuvrings than to the technical difficulties of the project, then the project inevitably suffers.

Mistake #15: Avoiding conflict.

Many people find interpersonal conflict distasteful. Some dislike it so much that they will do practically anything to avoid it, including giving up on technical disputes. Such people are prone to being walked over by those more aggressive and forthright. This is bad enough for the individual, but worse if that person is meant to be representing the best interests of a team. A meek Technical Lead can be a real liability to a development team, who will find themselves buffeted about by external forces that they should have been shielded from, and burdened by demands and goals that are not informed by the project’s reality. With such a disposition, a Technical Lead may be unable to even deal effectively with unruly behaviour or inadequate performance from members of their own team.

Mistake #16: Putting the project before the people.

It’s one thing to be focused on the project’s goals, but quite another to adopt a “succeed at all costs” attitude. Ambitious Technical Leads, concerned with the image they project to their management, sometimes accept impossible goals or unreasonable demands, because they lack the courage or integrity to say “no.” These goals then become the development team’s burden to shoulder, leading to increased stress, higher defect injection rates, longer working hours and lower morale. There is a tendency to be so focused on the end goal that the effects of the project on the developers gets overlooked. It is not uncommon for successful delivery on a high-pressure project to be followed by the resignations of several disgruntled team members, making the project’s triumph a pyrrhic victory indeed. Given the costs of hiring and training staff, treating developers as expendable resources makes no financial sense, quite aside from the ethical implications of such treatment. A wise Technical Lead will know that putting the well-being of the developers first also produces the best results for the project and the business. Project success should leave the participants satisfied with their achievement, not burnt out and demoralised.

Mistake #17: Expecting everyone to think and act like you.

Being a Technical Lead may be the first time you are exposed so frequently and directly to the problem-solving styles and low-level work habits of others. Programming is traditionally an individual activity. Programmers are often able to face the technical difficulties of their work in isolation, emerging sometime later with the completed solution. But as a Technical Lead, you will frequently be called on to help those who are stuck part way through the problem-solving process, unable to proceed. Seeing a solution that is “under construction” might be a bit of a shock to you at first, as you may find your colleague's approach to problem-solving dramatically different from your own. Some people work “outside in”, others “inside out”, others jump all over the place, some work quickly with lots of trial and error, and others slowly and methodically. It is tempting to stand in judgment of approaches and methods that don’t gel for you, pronouncing them somehow inferior. Avoid the temptation. Learn to accept the varieties of cognitive styles on your team, and recognise that this cognitive diversity may actually be an asset, for the variety of perspective, it brings.

Mistake #18: Failing to demonstrate compassion.

Although I’ve put this last, it is in some ways the most important of all the mistakes listed here. Always remember that your team members are people first and programmers second. You can expect them to be temperamental, inconsistent, proud, undisciplined and cynical – perhaps all in the same day. Which is to say they are flawed and imperfect, just like you and everyone else. So cut them some slack. Everyone has good and bad days, strengths and weaknesses; so tolerance is the order of the day. If someone breaks the build, it’s no big deal. If a regression is introduced, learn something by finding out how it got there, but don’t get upset over it or attempt to assign blame. If a deadline is missed, stand back from the immediate situation and appreciate that in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter. Mistakes happen and you should expect your colleagues to make many, as you will surely make many yourself.


  1. Becoming A Technical Leader – G. M. Weinberg, Dorset House, 1986
  2. Facts And Fallacies of Software Engineering - Robert L. Glass, Addison-Wesley, 2003

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