A new website
This is the first version of my new website. I am going to use this space to show off my abilities as a web developer. The first incarnation will be a drupal site, which I hope to follow it with a Joomla version, a CakePHP eventually a Zend Framework version. I chose to do a drupal one first as I feel it will be the easiest to start working with while being flxible and extensive enough to come close to giving me exactly what I want. Apart from anything else it will help me scope out exactly what I'm looking for in my website.
The Developer zone will contain a Technical Blog, that I will use to house tutorials about how I created some of the various features this site will contain.
I have planned to implement and blog about a number of topics. I'll cover the installation and configuration of Drupal, Joomla, CakePHP and Zend websites and how to implement or create some of the features I want in the website. These will hopefully included:
- A Twitter Reader - Pulling in tweets about things I am interested in.
- A last.fm Feed - showing off some of the depraved stuff I listen to and maybe more.
- A Flickr Feed or perhaps twitpic or panoramio - Dragging in some photos and pics I have taken or just uploaded there.
- An Amazon Store front - Perhaps displaying my wish lists or maybe just products from some specific categories, I just want to have a play with the APIs.
- I'm going to pull in some latest information from various other websites, like latest posts from a few forums I use, or maybe an RSS feed from some cool blogs.
- I'll probably also include some portfolio info too, with the ability to output information to pdf, should anyone think I'm worth hiring, when I get done here.
Basically I want a sandbox site to do some interesting development and the trickier the better, so for example I may want to let prospective employers to pick and choose the information they want and then generate a pdf CV on the fly.
Anyway its all planned at the moment and I thought I had better get some content in here at least and now I have a mission statement, statement of intent or what ever you want to call it.
I have already got a couple tutorials on another website, so I'll link them here just for reference.
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